Toronto Meter Station Abandonment Project

Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI) operates pipelines regulated by the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) to safely transport the refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel, aviation, and heating fuel) used by Canadian businesses and consumers every day. These pipelines connect refineries in Nanticoke, Ont., and Montreal to the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), with lateral pipelines to Ottawa, as well as to Pearson International Airport and Pierre-Elliot Trudeau International Airport. We are committed to operating in a safe and environmentally responsible manner to protect the public, the environment, and the pipelines.

In 2001, TNPI deactivated the Toronto Meter Station (Meter Station). TNPI is now in the process of preparing an application to remove all the infrastructure (equipment) remaining at the Meter Station. This Information Package is to advise you of the upcoming work at the Meter Station.

This Meter Station is regulated by the CER and the Project requires an approval from the CER under section 50 of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations to abandon the Meter Station. This Information Package has been prepared to support engagement for the filing of this CER application with potentially affected persons or groups, including Indigenous communities.

Project Overview

The Toronto Meter Station is located on approximately 669 m2 of land on the northeast corner of the intersection of Lakeshore Boulevard East and Don Roadway. Various TNPI assets are located on the site, including above- and below-ground piping; mechanical equipment; civil infrastructure; electrical cables and equipment; wastewater piping; stormwater infrastructure; fencing; as well as additional miscellaneous assets.

The Project scope encompasses the removal of all above- and below-ground piping and equipment, including the removal of a below-ground sump tank; cutting and capping the incoming and outgoing decommissioned pipelines at the site borders; removal and proper disposal of all soil on site to a depth of 1.5 metres; and replacement of soil as per the City of Toronto Economic Development Corporation (TEDCO)/CreateTO specifications.

A map of the Meter Station can be found below:

TMS site map

Timing of CER Filing

The application to the CER was filed on June 30, 2023, and approved in February 2024. All documents related to the filing can be found here: C25340. The approval Order can be found on the CER website here: Canada Energy Regulator – REGDOCS – C28545 Commission | Commission – Letter and Order ZO-001-2024 – Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. – Toronto Meter Station Abandonment (

Proposed Timing and Duration of Construction

Removal of all above- and below-ground equipment is anticipated to take place as early as Q2 2024. Any major scheduling changes will be communicated to potentially affected persons or groups.

Construction will commence following receipt of the CER, federal, provincial, and municipal approvals as required. Currently, approvals are expected to be received within four to six (4-6) months from the date of filing.

Equipment and infrastructure removal are expected to last for approximately eight (8) weeks. Removal and proper disposal of soil to a depth of 1.5 metres to begin in parallel or after the removal of the equipment.

The Environment

A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) has been carried out on the lands leased by TNPI. The assessment included testing and quality of soil and groundwater. Soil and groundwater with concentrations exceeding the applicable remediation criteria were encountered at the Meter Station.

Site Reclamation

TEDCO/CreateTO has assumed responsibility for all site reclamation and remediation activities beyond TNPI’s commitment to removal and properly dispose of site soil to a depth of 1.5 metres and backfill with clean soil.

Corporate Engagement Policy

TNPI is committed to working with landowners, regulators, and others in the communities where we operate as we all play a role in pipeline safety. As part of this commitment, TNPI keeps the community informed of relevant health and safety, security, and environmental issues regarding the pipeline during its lifecycle. A stakeholder engagement process, which includes consultation and engagement with landowners, Indigenous communities, government agencies, and other interested persons, is in place to allow public input into our Toronto Meter Station Abandonment Project during the planning process.

As part of remediation planning, engagement with potentially affected persons and communities is expected by the CER. Feedback collected will be used to support finalizing the development and implementation of the Project plan. Public engagement is also an important component of the Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment. Input received will be used to confirm both the existing environmental conditions and to develop site specific protection or mitigation measures for the Project.

Indigenous Peoples

This Project Information Package is being communicated to Indigenous communities based on previous relationships, potential effects on known or asserted traditional territory, and direction received from the CER.

Public Safety

TNPI is committed to operating in a safe and environmentally responsible manner to protect the public, the environment, and the pipelines. TNPI is also committed to keeping the community and all stakeholders informed of relevant safety issues regarding their pipelines, and any proposed changes to these pipelines.

Emergency Response

TNPI has a detailed Emergency Response Plan in place to respond safely and efficiently in the unlikely event of an incident. The Emergency Response Plan is available to the public on the TNPI website ( In the event of an emergency, TNPI Emergency Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-361-0608.

Conditions and Commitments

Following the filing of the Project with the CER, information including status of conditions and commitments will be updated and posted on the CER website as required: Canada Energy Regulator – REGDOCS – C28545 Commission | Commission – Letter and Order ZO-001-2024 – Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. – Toronto Meter Station Abandonment (

Issue Resolution

TNPI is committed to working with landowners and potentially affected persons to resolve issues and concerns in a proactive manner. If TNPI is unable to resolve a disagreement between parties, TNPI will advise the CER and initiate the Alternate Dispute Resolution Process. TNPI understands and respects that this process can be initiated by anyone involved in a dispute with TNPI over a CER regulated pipeline. More information is available at:

How to Participate

Keeping those potentially affected by the Project informed is an important aspect of all our major projects. Information regarding this Project will continue to be posted on this page and emailed to potentially affected people and groups.

For more information, or if you have questions or concerns about this Project, please contact:

Lee Nanos

Team Lead – Regulatory, Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc.

Tel.: 289-548-5421

[email protected]


Your questions or concerns can also be provided directly to the CER at:

Canada Energy Regulator

Suite 210, 517 Tenth Avenue SW

Calgary, Alberta

T2R 0A8

Toll free: 1-800-899-1265

Toll free fax: 1-877-288-8803

The application will be available for viewing on the CER website once it has been filed. TNPI will advise all potentially affected by the Project of the actual filing date.