An aerial view of a forest with a pipeline right-of-way protected by matting.

Environmental Stewardship

Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI) is committed to operating in a safe and environmentally responsible manner to protect the public, the environment, and the pipeline.

TNPI has established management systems and protection programs in order to anticipate, prevent, manage and mitigate conditions that may adversely affect the safety and security to employees, the public, the environment and TNPI assets. Among these is TNPI’s Environmental Protection Program (EPP).

Through its EPP, TNPI protects the environment through all functional areas of the organization by covering environmental aspects of operations that the organization can control and directly manage. This includes the identification of environmental risks and opportunities that need to be addressed, and planned actions to address them. This is done through TNPI’s hazard identification and risk assessment and management framework, as well as the setting of corporate and environmental-specific goals, objectives, and targets.

Blue sky with white clouds.
Close-up of three blades of wheat in a wheat field.
Stone-bottomed shallow lake with clear water.
A red-tinged bird sitting on a brush branch.

TNPI’s Approach to Environmental Stewardship

TNPI has established, implemented, and maintains specific processes and procedures needed to manage environmental aspects of its activities. These include:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • Air Management.
  • Land Management.
  • Water Management.
  • Species Management.
  • Chemical Management.
  • Waste Management.
  • Contaminated Site Management.

TNPI employees and contractors receive awareness and training on the EPP and associated procedures and policies commiserate with their roles and responsibilities.