At Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI), our training includes working with our employees, external contractors, emergency management officials, emergency responders, Indigenous communities, and other organizations as an extension of Emergency Management outreach, where we meet periodically with federal, provincial, and municipal officials, fire departments, health services, conservation authorities, Indigenous communities, and emergency response personnel in the communities where we operate.
During these meetings, we provide updates on TNPI operations, discuss local emergency response capabilities in the event of an incident, and answer questions. Information exchanged during these meetings provides valuable input for updating the Emergency Management Program and Emergency Response Plans.
TNPI employees who are assigned roles on our regional Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) participate in Incident Command System (ICS) training and learn emergency activation and response techniques.
We also regularly test our protocols through training exercises, allowing us to practice our response skills and test procedures in a safe environment. These scenario-based response exercises simulate the release of product from our pipelines due to a range of factors including damage caused by third-party excavation, sabotage, cyber attack, natural disasters, operator error, defects and other factors.
TNPI employees, contractors and consultants, as well as local emergency management officials, emergency responders, regulators, municipalities, Indigenous communities along with federal and provincial agencies, are invited to participate in these activities. These exercises help achieve a high degree of capability not only within TNPI’s organization, but among all participants.
Annually, we hold a minimum of two table-top exercises in each province where we operate (Alberta, Ontario, Quebec). Every three years, one full-scale, field exercise is held as part of our training, alternating between Alberta and the East (Ontario or Quebec).
Consistent with our commitment to continuous improvement, we complete an evaluation after every exercise to identify ways to enhance our programs, training, and stakeholder relations activities.
If you are an emergency management official, emergency responder, Indigenous representative or another agency or organization and are interested in participating in an upcoming exercise or would like us to consider conducting an exercise in your community, please contact us at [email protected].