Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI) shares responsibility for pipeline safety with our neighbours, including other companies operating pipelines and utilities in the area, and those living and working near TNPI pipelines.
TNPI meets periodically with federal, provincial and municipal officials, fire departments, health services, conservation authorities, Indigenous communities and emergency response personnel in its pipeline communities to provide updates on the company’s operations, discuss local emergency response capabilities in the event of an incident, and to answer questions. Information exchanged during these meetings provides valuable input for updating the Emergency Management Program and Emergency Response Plans.
Public Awareness Initiatives
In addition, we provide information brochures and twice-annual newsletters, along with other materials about pipeline safety, to those living and working near our pipelines.
We also conduct public awareness activities such as:
- Attending local Community Awareness and Emergency Response (CAER) presentations.
- Participating in activities managed by the Ontario Joint Pipeline Group and Comité des pipelines in Quebec.
- In-person, email and telephone discussions with impacted, potentially impacted, and interested parties.
- Presentations to and meetings with school boards, conservation authorities, community and other groups.
- Joint emergency response training opportunities with municipalities, Indigenous communities, emergency responders, regulators and other stakeholders.
To request a presentation in your community, please email [email protected] and we will do our best to accommodate your request.