Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI) is committed to identifying, removing, and preventing barriers which may impede or hinder any person from accessing our programs, goods, services, or facilities as the result of a disability. The goal is for TNPI to achieve accessibility through meeting our requirements under the Accessible Canada Act (the “ACA”).
Our Accessibility Plan (the “Plan”) outlines the steps TNPI is taking to meet all relevant ACA requirements and to improve accessibility for people with disabilities.
Although regulations are in place, there are some details under the ACA which have not yet been clearly defined (i.e. requirements for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). As a result, TNPI has enlisted the expertise of professional accessibility consultants, all of whom are persons with disabilities. Canadian Accessibility Professionals (formerly Accessibility Professionals of Ontario) brings lifetimes of lived experience to their work. As accredited members of the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification Program, they are among the leaders in the country when it comes to guiding organizations on a path to true accessibility and inclusion. TNPI is also pleased to work with Canadian Accessibility Professionals to create a full and comprehensive set of accessibility policies and procedures to ensure our staff are completely aware of our organization’s obligations under the ACA, including how to recognize and remove barriers to persons with disabilities.
TNPI is committed to a plan and documentation which reflects the spirit of the ACA. A process will be implemented enabling the Senior Management Team to respond to feedback regarding the manner in which TNPI is implementing this Plan going forward, including any barriers or accessibility issues encountered by employees, clients, stakeholders, contracted representatives, and the general public. When an area of improvement has been suggested regarding accessibility, the appropriate representatives of TNPI will review the information and make every effort to address the suggestion in a manner satisfactory to all parties, without causing undue hardship to the organization.
How to Provide Feedback
Human Resources is designated to receive feedback on behalf of TNPI with respect to accessibility matters and this Plan.
The public is invited to communicate with TNPI in one of the following ways:
- Email: [email protected].
- Mail: 45 Vogell Road, Suite 310, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P6.
- Phone: 905-770-3353.
Alternatively, the Feedback Form may be completed and sent to [email protected]. The Feedback form can be found in Schedule A.
Accessibility Progress Report
- Please visit our Reports and Publications page to view a copy of this report.
Accessibility plan
- TNPI will review and update our Accessibility Plan every 3 years.
- Available upon request.
Customer Service Policies, Practices and Procedures
- Available upon request.